Title: Class no Ohime-sama, Shiawase Mesubuta ni Nariagaru. | The Class Princess Rises into a Blissful Sow Artist: Atage Circle: Meshikutteneru. Pages: 35 [...]
Title: Bitch na Ano Ko | That girl is such a slut Artist: Kunisaki Kei Circle: Lost Heart Pages: 19 Translator: Zzyzzyxx Editor: Thesinfulcrow QC: Bride of [...]
Title: Awa no ohimesama #10 Sennyuu! Awahime-chan no joshiryou? Zenpen | Bubble Princess #10! Visit to the girl’s dorm! Part one Artist: Kiya Shii [...]
Title: Imouto wa Chotto Atama ga Okashii | My Little Sister Is a Little Weird Artist: Ichihaya Circle: Squeeze Candy Heaven Pages: 38 Translator: [...]
Title: Mahou Shoujo Saimin PakopaCause 2 Artist: Santa Circle: Ranshi to kimi to Parody: Fate Grand Order Pages: 32 Translator: Ro-chan Editor: Vixen QC: [...]
Title: Imouto wa Hikikomori | My Little Sister Is a Shut-in Artist: Ichihaya Circle: Squeeze Candy Heaven Pages: 27 Translator: Sneikkimies Editor: [...]
Title: Chibi Gal NIGHT STAGE | Lil Gal NIGHT STAGE Artist: Oyaji Group: Chideji Parody: The Idolmaster Character: Rika Jougasaki Translator: Deady Editor: [...]
Title: Takahara-ke no Nichijou | Daily Life of the Takahara Family Artist: Sakura Romako Circle: Tairikukan Dandoudan Dan Pages: 24 Translator: Sneikkimies [...]
Title: Mahou Shoujo Saimin PakopaCause Artist: Santa Circle: Ranshi to kimi to Parody: Fate Grand Order Character: Illyasviel Von Einzbern Pages: 28 [...]
Title: Kaette Kuru Made | Until She Comes Back Home Artist: Kurona From: COMIC Mate Legend Vol. 9 2016-06 Pages: 17 Translator: Sneikkimies Editor: Yumino [...]