Title: Watashi wa Shitsuke no Tame ni Flan o Otoko-domo ni Naburaseru | I’m letting a group of men torment my little sister Flan in order to teach [...]
Title: Junsuimuku na Joji ga Okanemochi no Oji-san ni Kurogal ni Sarechaimashita | A Pure and Innocent Little Girl Was Turned into A Black Gyaru By a Rich [...]
Title: Goshimei wa? Marie-chan de! | Your pick? Marie please! Artist: Azuma Sawayoshi Circle: A.L.L Parody: DoA Character: MARIE ROSE Pages: 27 Translator: [...]
Title: Live no Mae no Hi wa | The day before the concert Artist: Shouji Ayumu Circle: Kuma-Puro Parody: The Idolmaster Pages: 19 Translator: Ro-chan [...]
Title: Rika, Motto Otona ni Shiteageyou | Rika, Let’s Make You into Even More of an Adult Artist: Yukyu Ponzu Circle: FLAT Parody: The Idolmaster [...]
Title: Futanari x Man Reverse Anal Sex Compilation. You’ll Turn Into a Bitch. Artist: Oosuo Circle: Endless Requiem Pages: 4 Translator: sneikkimies [...]
Title: Ironna Ojisan to Yacchauko | A girl who has sex with various old men Artist: Atage Circle: Meshikutteneru Pages: 31 Translator: sneikkimies Editor: [...]