Title: Kawaii Chino-chan to Ippai Ecchi Shitai! | I want to have lots of sex with the cute Chino-chan! Artist: Shouji Ayumu Circle: Kuma-Puro Parody: [...]
Title: Chotto Ecchina Megu to Maya | A bit lewd Megu and Maya Artist: Shouji Ayumu Circle: Kuma-Puro Parody: Gochuumon Wa Usagi Desu Ka Character: Megumi [...]
Title: Saigo no Ecchi no Hi | One last time Artist: Shouji Ayumu Group: Kuma-puro Pages: 28 Translator: Ro-chan Editor: Vixen QC: Gilgamash, ScornMuffins, [...]
Title: Papa to no ecchi na hibi | Lewd days with Daddy Artist: Shouji Ayumu From: COMIC LO 2016-09 Pages: 9 Translator: Ro-chan Editor: FlatJustice QC: [...]
Title: Live no Mae no Hi wa | The day before the concert Artist: Shouji Ayumu Circle: Kuma-Puro Parody: The Idolmaster Pages: 19 Translator: Ro-chan [...]